@eschmidbauer commented on this pull request.

In src/modules/nats/nats_mod.c:

>  	}
 	fmsg = faked_msg_next();
 	memcpy(&tmsg, fmsg, sizeof(sip_msg_t));
 	fmsg = &tmsg;
-	run_top_route(event_rt.rlist[rt], fmsg, 0);
+	if (rt < 0 && keng) {
+		if (sr_kemi_route(keng, fmsg, EVENT_ROUTE,
+			&nats_event_callback, evname) < 0) {
+			LM_ERR("error running event route kemi callback\n");
+			}
+	} else {
+		run_top_route(event_rt.rlist[rt], fmsg, 0);
+	}
if (rt < 0 && keng) {
    if (sr_kemi_route(keng, fmsg, EVENT_ROUTE, &nats_event_callback, evname) < 0) {
        LM_ERR("error running event route kemi callback\n");
    return 0;

run_top_route(event_rt.rlist[rt], fmsg, 0);
return 0;

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