On 07 Apr 2014, at 10:22, Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
before switching to mediaproxy-ng, i was using mediaproxy and kamailio mediaproxy module. when it added ice candidate, candidate type was 'relay'. now i noticed that rtpengine adds candidate of type 'host' and there seems to be no offer argument to change that.
i'm thinking of scenario where parties of the call may be able to find out a way to communicate directly in which case rtpengine should not be forced on them. that could be achieved by adding 'relay' type candidate to sdp instead of 'host' type candidate.
what is rtpengine motivation for adding 'host' type candidate instead of 'relay' type candidate?
Regardless of the reason, this behaviour has to be configurable. It will break when I want to use the RTPengine as a last-resort and actually allow p2p media.