Hey Jason,
On 07.09.2011 10:43, Jason Penton wrote:
Does anyone know if work has been started on dialog2 as proposed here: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/modules-new-design:dialog-module-d...
If not we are looking at starting it if that is ok?
Absolutely from my point of view.
Also, who wrote this page on the wiki?
Mostly Iñaki and myself. We've never had the opportunity to get things started, however, so I'd be glad for your effort. If you wish to dive into the gory historical details preceding the creation of the design document, there's a rather extensive thread on the mailing list too.
I know some features like spiraling have been included in original dialog module, but I know forking doesn't work and terminating early dialog sessions, etc
Right, spiraling support has been added by me a while ago, including the callback DLGCB_SPIRALED mentioned on the wiki page. Apart from that, pretty much nothing specified has been implemented yet so feel free to take a stab.
If you find more points to discuss, I (and Iñaki and others possibly too) would be glad to share in. In addition, I think that opening up another branch for the new dialog module at a rather early stage of development might be a good idea in order to get more eyes on the code.