tested this config file
listen=udp: loadmodule "xlog.so" loadmodule "pv.so" loadmodule "http_client.so" loadmodule "lost.so" loadmodule "textopsx.so" modparam("lost", "exact_type", 1) request_route { $var(geo_uri) = @hf_value.geolocation[1].uri; if ($(var(geo_uri){s.select,0,:}) =~ "http|https") { $var(res) = lost_held_dereference("$var(geo_uri)", "emergencyDispatch", "civic geodetic", "$var(pidf)", "$var(err)"); xlog("L_INFO", "HELD location dereference: Result code $var(res)\n$var(pidf)"); } }
During URL dereferencing send this request
POST /webhook HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: kamailio (5.5.0-pre0 (x86_64/linux)) Content-Type: application/held+xml;charset=utf-8 Accept: application/pidf+xml,application/held+xml;q=0.5 Content-Length: 192 <?xml version="1.0"?> <locationRequest xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held" responseTime="emergencyDispatch"><locationType exact="false">civic geodetic</locationType></locationRequest>
According to config file
modparam("lost", "exact_type", 1)
but in real request sendlocationType exact="false"
@sergey-safarov: the derefencing function only supports "false" (does not consider the module parameter ... I'll add this info to doc)
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