On Tuesday 31 May 2011, Piyush.Bansal@relianceada.com wrote:
I'm using SER as a SIP proxy server for quite a long time. I'm not
been able to find its load bearing capacity. If you can help me get a figure in terms of BHCA, that'll be quite helpful.
Hi Bansal,
Jan Janak just published some research about the performance of the version 3.0 - it contains some numbers:
http://www.kamailio.org/w/2011/05/green-voip-energy-efficiency-and-performac... http://janakj.org/papers/green_voip.pdf
With regards to an exact BHCA number, this depends a lot on your configuration complexity, your database setup, logging and DNS speed etc..
In my experience usually Kamailio/ SER is not the bottleneck, normally you've bigger issues (in certain overload situations) getting the calls to the PSTN network through your gateways.
Best regards,