Packet Type 1 - load tests

Total 2500000 INVITE calls sent in 2522028 ms at rate of 991/sec
Total 2500000 responses received in 2522826 ms at rate of 990/sec:

Detailed responses received:
 - 200 responses:  2500000     (OK)
 TOTAL responses:  2500000 (rate=990/sec)


wc -l /var/log/json_acc.log 
7500012 /var/log/json_acc.log


nsqd v1.0.0-compat (built w/go1.8)
start_time 2018-02-16T22:36:24Z
uptime 2h1m51.901973386s

Health: OK

   [acc            ] depth: 0     be-depth: 0     msgs: 7500012  e2e%: 
      [nsq_to_file              ] depth: 7500012 be-depth: 7490012 inflt: 0    def: 0    re-q: 0     timeout: 0     msgs: 7500012  e2e%: 

voip_perf client

./voip_perf -m INVITE -p 7075 sip:+1??????????@ \
            --interval=1 \                                         
            --count=2500000 \                                      
            --call-per-second=1000 \                               
            --thread-count=1 \                                     
            --timeout 17200                  

voip_perf server

./voip_perf  -p 5072 --trying --ringing --thread-count=4 -d 500 

Latency graph showing stable response time

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