I got a question about how to send Rx_AAR to caller and callee after receive 200 OK SDP message.
I tried to send Rx_AAR to caller and callee using below method after receive 200 OK with SDP, but when I add another Rx_AAR in MT_aar_reply block, it's not work.
Do you have an example to show how to send Rx_AAR to caller and callee after receive 200OK SDP?
Thanks, Victor
if (t_check_status("200")){ xlog("L_DBG", "IMS: Received 200 nside orig_initial_reply\n");
$var(aarret) = Rx_AAR("MT_aar_reply", "term","",2); } route[MT_aar_reply] { #this is async so to know status we have to check the reply avp switch ($avp(s:aar_return_code)) { case 1: xlog("L_DBG", "Diameter: Orig AAR success on media authorization\n"); break; default: xlog("L_ERR", "IMS: AAR failed Term\n"); xlog("L_ERR", "IMS: ttag: "+ "$avp(TTAG_CUSTOM_AVP)"); xlog("L_ERR", "IMS: ftag: "+ "$avp(FTAG_CUSTOM_AVP)"); xlog("L_ERR", "IMS: callid: "+ "$avp(CALLID_CUSTOM_AVP)"); #comment this if you want to allow even if Rx fails
if(dlg_get("$avp(CALLID_CUSTOM_AVP)","$avp(FTAG_CUSTOM_AVP)","$avp(TTAG_CUSTOM_AVP)")){ dlg_terminate("all", "Sorry no QoS available"); exit; } } *$var(aarret) = Rx_AAR("MO_aar_reply", "orig","",2); *}
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