2011/7/19 Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
I see two major options:
A) going to use a source code hosting portal for bug traker (like sourceforge, berlios, github, a.s.o.) B) going to use an existing software to be installed on our server and managed by us
I tend to go for A) as the maintenance of the software will not be done by us. I do not know which would be the best choice to go for. Of course, we should consider possible down times (like it happened in the past) or slow connection to their servers.
B) will give us full control, but then it is about the time to maintain it (upgrades, security patches, a.s.o.). More than that, it is about selecting the right software to go with. Since SEMS code is now hosted in GIT repo of sip-router.org, maybe the tracker can be used by them as well, eventually by future related projects hosted in our git.
I vote for installing Redmine (the best multri project tracker/wiki I've ever seen) or hosting the project in Github.