
I wanted first to discuss and see if you are interested in maintaining the module for a while (at least one year -- this is more like a gentlemen agreement) on the official repository.

If yes, you will receive an invitation very soon. Next are several remarks:

- your commits will trigger email notifications sent to sr-dev mailing list. The email you use for those git commits must be subscribed to sr-dev (it is now, just to be clear you need to do it in case you change to another email)
- more details on how the commits should be done
   * http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/devel/git-commit-guidelines
- special care to the formatting of commit:
   * first line with short description of the commit, then if needed, an empty line and the extra details in the following lines
- fixes - if there is a bug that applies to master branch as well, the commit must be done first there and then use 'git cherry-pick -x COMMITID' to backport it in stable branches.


On 12/01/15 08:11, Andrey Rybkin wrote:

I have tried to make changes in the module, but I do not have the rights for this.

Andrey Rybkin

2015-01-06 14:25 GMT+03:00 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com>:

your pull request to merge the usrloc_dmq module was accepted few days ago.

I wrote in the merge comment some remarks about few thinks to be cared of:

- add the license text at the top of .c/.h files (license must be gplv2
or bsd, at your choice)
- variables to be declared at the beginning of functions or blocks, to
be sure it still compiles with old strict C compilers

Giving a second thought and considering the current common naming
patterns, I propose to rename the module from usrloc_dmq to dmq_usrloc
(we have similar for pua_usrloc or pua_reginfo) -- the idea is that the
main purpose of the module is extending dmq with a new data flow type,
rather than usrloc specific extensions. Is that ok for you? If you don't
have time for it in short term, I can do it.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda