There is another option to do it directly in db_postgres constraints "auto detection"
We would search the catalog : ``` select conntype from pg_constraint where conrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname like 'location_test') and contype = u; select conntype from pg_constraint where conrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname like 'location_test') and contype = p; ``` wich would return : `location_ruid_idx_test` or `location_test_pkey`
Then we can save this in the module memory : ```struct constraint { char *db_name; char *db_table; char *unique_contraint; char *primary_key_constraint; }; ``` And use it automatically in the next queries ... ```insert into location_test (ruid, username, domain) values ('1234','jo', 'my dom') on conflict on constraint location_ruid_idx_test do update set ruid='1234', username='jo', domain='my dom'; ```