On 11/29/11 9:28 PM, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
29 nov 2011 kl. 18:57 skrev sip-router:
A user has added themself to the list of users assigned to this task.
FS#184 - Crash if t_release() is executed after t_relay_to(), when this last returns -1
User who did this - IƱaki Baz Castillo (ibc)
Now this was caused by bad configuraiton, but if we have had or will have crashes
based on incoming MI, RPC or SIP messages, we should have a routing for how to handle
security fixes in Kamailio. When evaluating open source projects I always check the
security procedures.
Anyone interested in assisting in writing up a document about this we can publish on the
web site and try to follow if we get such an issue? I think we can happily steal from
other projects, so it should not be hard work.
Anyone objecting to implementing a process for handling security incidents?
I have
no objection in this regard, any contribution/managing process
that will make usage of the project easier/more attractive for various
people is welcome. The question will be who will take the work (e.g.,
reviewing, categorization, announcements to devels and community, ...).
Personally, I try not to make a difference between bugs, but just try to
solve asap, with priority on how common use case is the situation rising
the bug.
Another question is categorizing 'security bugs' - in my understanding I
consider such bugs when one can gain access to server or
steal/compromise data from/on the server. Chasing situations are not in
this category (IMO).
Daniel-Constantin Mierla --
Kamailio Advanced Training, Dec 5-8, Berlin:
http://linkedin.com/in/miconda --