As mobile applications based on kamailio are growing exponentially on Play Store and App Store, i would suggest if you could add by default the code for ios/android push notifications.
I have problems mainly for incoming call (phone wakeup) on linphone iphone app, as kamailio is missing the push solution. On Android i am using Baresip and works perfect without push.
Navigating on the web, i found some uncomplete or minimum tutorials to implement this. Like: https://denys-pozniak.medium.com/apple-push-notification-with-kamailio-eeca2...
And also some code snippets of a modification of "kamailio.cfg" to add support for ios push notifications. (see below). Could someone have this already working? Or kamailio official developers could add this by default inside source code?
# keep a record of an IPhone for 4 hours modparam("htable", "htable", "iphone_remote=>size=10;autoexpire=14400;") modparam("htable", "htable", "iphone_voip=>size=10;autoexpire=14400;") modparam("htable", "htable", "iphone_check=>size=10;autoexpire=14400;") modparam("htable", "htable", "vtp=>size=10;autoexpire=120;")
route[REGISTRAR] {
if (save("location")) {
# user registered, now look at the useragent header for iPhone string if ($hdr(User-Agent)=~"LinphoneiOS.*") {
$var(uri) = @contact.uri; # select the uri from contact header $var(pn-prid) = $(var(uri){uri.param,pn-prid}); # get the uri param pn-prid from the uri, i.e. 1DF26BC10F597676B xlog("!!!! - $var(pn-prid)"); $var(i) = 0; $var(n) = $(var(pn-prid){s.count,&});
while( $var(i) <= $var(n)) { $var(pn-prid_item) = $(var(pn-prid){s.select,$var(i),&}); $var(pn-prid_type) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,1,:}); $var(pn-prid_token) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,0,:});
if ( $var(pn-prid_type) == "remote" ) { $var(pn-prid_remote) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,0,:}) ; } if ( $var(pn-prid_type) == "voip" ) { $var(pn-prid_voip) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,0,:}) ; } $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; }
xlog("L_INFO","iPhone PUSH tokens for user $fU - remote: $var(pn-prid_remote), voip: $var(pn-prid_voip)");
# store the values of tokens to htable with fromUser as key $sht(iphone_remote=>$fU) = $var(pn-prid_remote); $sht(iphone_voip=>$fU) = $var(pn-prid_voip); $sht(iphone_check=>$fU) = 1;
if ( $sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU) != $null ) { xlog("L_INFO", "New $rm ru=$ru tu=$tu \n"); route(JOIN); }
} else { # no iphone $sht(iphone_check=>$fU) = 0; }
route[LOCATION] {
if (!lookup("location")) { $var(rc) = $rc;
# handle PUSH notifications for iPhone # iphones should not be registered and contacts stored in database # hence lookup should fail and we need to try to push iphone first if ($sht(iphone_check=>$tU) == 1) { xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] The to user has already used iPhone, trying push notifications"); xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] No registration to try, suspending."); sl_send_reply("100", "Suspending"); route(SUSPEND); route(RELAY); exit; } ...
if (is_method("INVITE")) { setflag(FLT_ACCMISSED);
# handle PUSH notifications for iPhone # in some cases, iphone does not send de-register when going to background # for these circumstances, push iphone even if it has an active registration if ($sht(iphone_check=>$tU) == 1) { xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] The to user has already used iPhone, trying push notifications"); xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] No registration to try, suspending."); sl_send_reply("100", "Suspending"); route(SUSPEND); }
} route(RELAY); exit; }
route[SUSPEND] { if ( !t_suspend() ) { xlog("L_ERROR","[SUSPEND] failed suspending trasaction [$T(id_index):$T(id_label)]\n"); send_reply("501", "Suspending error"); exit; } else { xlog("L_INFO","[SUSPEND] suspended transaction [$T(id_index):$T(id_label)] $fU=> $rU\n"); $sht(vtp=>id_index::$rU) = $T(id_index); $sht(vtp=>id_label::$rU) = $T(id_label); xlog("L_INFO","[SUSPEND] htable key value [$sht(vtp=>id_index::$rU) -- $sht(vtp=>id_label::$rU)]\n"); route(SENDPUSH); exit; } }
route[SENDPUSH] { #http_client_query("http://url/push.php"http://url/push.php, "user=$rU\r\npn-tok=$sht(tokens=>$rU)\r\n","Content-Type: text/plain", "$var(result)"); xlog("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); xlog("/opt/push/push.sh $ci $sht(iphone_voip=>$tU)"); exec_avp("/opt/push/push.sh $ci $sht(iphone_voip=>$tU)"); xlog("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); sl_send_reply("100", "Pushing"); }
route[JOIN] { xlog("L_WARN","[JOIN] htable key value [$sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU) -- $sht(vtp=>id_label::$tU)]\n"); t_continue("$sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU)", "$sht(vtp=>id_label::$tU)", "RESUME"); $sht(vtp=>joined::$tU) = 1; }
route[RESUME] { lookup("location"); xlog("L_INFO","[RESUME] rm=$rm ru=$ru du=$du \n"); t_relay(); $sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU) = $null; $sht(vtp=>id_label::$tU) = $null; exit; }