(Kamailio 4.2.2 on Debian Squeeze with libmysqlclient16 5.1.73)
I have a problem that a lost TCP connection is not detected by
Kamailio/MySQL-CLient and this blocks the Kamailio process for 15
minutes until Linux reports the TCP connection as broken.
I am using db_mysql with the default settings. Thus, according to the
db_mysql README, the default timeout_interval() of 2 seconds should be used.
As this is not the case I took a look at the code and got confused: it
seems there are 2 different mysql modules in modules/db_mysql, eg: the
interface is defined in mysql_mod.c and km_db_mysql.c. Which one is
actually used? I see they have different timeout setting code.
Any hints on why the timeout is not working?