I have made some progress, I can reach now 65535.

I have no pdb client module running now, it's just the server and I am testing with pdbt:

 pdbt -r XX.XX.XX.XX:10001 query 0778667682

Now I have changed the int16_t to uint32_t and the short int to uint32_t also but I get the same result eventhough is unsigned:


  bufsize = slen + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1; // line buffer (telephone number + colon + white space + carrier ID + newline + \0)
  ret = snprintf(p, 7, "%d\n", node->carrier);
       if (ret < 1 || ret > 6) {

    uint32_t carrierid;


 carrierid=ntohs(*((uint32_t *)&(buf[reqlen]))); /* convert to host byte order */


  #define MAX_PDB_CARRIERID 99999
  #define MAX_CARRIERID 99999
  typedef uint32_t carrier_t;

My server has only this two lines :


The results of 2 querys are:

  processing command line parameters...
  got an answer in 0.180000 ms
  0778667682: 65535: comment=''

  processing command line parameters...
  got an answer in 0.155000 ms
  0781541867:not_found:unknown carrier

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