Hi all,

Just decided to upgrade my infrastructure do Debian Jessie.

Installed latest stable kamailio from deb package and latest siremis (4.2).

Anyway, everything seems ok until I try logging in.

I presume that siremis 4.2 is not compatible with php 5.6. Is this correct?
Any plans on updating siremis so it can work with newer software?


Here's the error:

\n[2015-11-17 11:07:55 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this script:
\nError message: #8192, Non-static method BizSystem::getConfiguration() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context<\/font>
\nScript name and line number of error: \/var\/www\/html\/siremis-4.2.0\/openbiz\/bin\/data\/BizDataObj_Abstract.php:268<\/font>

function:<\/b> errorHandler ( 8192, \"Non-static method BizSystem::getConfiguration() should not be ca...\", \"\/var\/www\/html\/siremis-4.2.0\/openbiz\/bin\/data\/BizDataObj_Abstract...\", 268, Array(0) ) @ \/var\/www\/html\/siremis-4.2.0\/openbiz\/bin\/sysheader.inc 117\n
function:<\/b> userErrorHandler ( 8192, \"Non-static method BizSystem::getConfiguration() should not be ca...\", \"\/var\/www\/html\/siremis-4.2.0\/openbiz\/bin\/data\/BizDataObj_Abstract...\", 268, Array(0) ) @ \/var\/www\/html\/siremis-4.2.0\/openbiz\/bin\/data\/BizDataObj_Abstract.php 268\n
function:<\/b> setQuoteIdentifiers ( ) @ \/var\/www\/html\/siremis-4.2.0\/openbiz\/bin\/data\/BizDataObj_Abstract.php 177\n

Here's the php version:

php -v

PHP 5.6.14-0+deb8u1 (cli) (built: Oct  4 2015 16:13:10) 

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