@asalman18 commented on this pull request.

In src/modules/dispatcher/dispatch.c:

> +				z, ds_dest->uri.len, ds_dest->uri.s,
+				gw_priority, latency_proirity_handicap,
+				ds_dest->attrs.rpriority, gw_latency, ds_dest->flags);
+		} else {
+			ds_sorted[y].idx = -1;
+			ds_sorted[y].priority = -1;
+			LM_DBG("[inactive]idx[%d]uri[%.*s]priority[%d]latency[%dms]flag[%d]",
+				z, ds_dest->uri.len, ds_dest->uri.s,
+				gw_priority, gw_latency, ds_dest->flags);
+		}
+		if(ds_use_default != 0 && idx->nr != 1)
+			z = (z + 1) % (idx->nr - 1);
+		else
+			z = (z + 1) % idx->nr;
+	}
+	idx->last = hash % idx->nr;

should be removed

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