@linuxmaniac commented on this pull request.

In src/modules/keepalive/keepalive_mod.c:

> -	str owner = str_init("_params");
-	LM_DBG("adding destination %.*s\n", dest.len, dest.s);
+	return 1;
+static int ka_add_initial_destinations() {
+	LM_DBG("ka_add_initial_destinations called \n");
+	int res = 1;
+	ka_initial_dest_t *current_position = ka_initial_destinations_list;
+	while ( res > 0 && current_position != NULL) {
+		res = ka_add_dest(&(current_position->uri), &(current_position->owner), 0, ka_ping_interval, 0, 0, 0);
+		LM_INFO("Added initial destination Via \"destination\" parameter <%.*s> \n", current_position->uri.len, current_position->uri.s);
+		shm_free(current_position->uri.s);
+		shm_free(current_position->owner.s);
+		ka_initial_dest_t *old_position = current_position;

old_position has to be defined at the beginning of the function

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