Juha Heinanen wrote:
Martin Hoffmann writes:
in scripts/mysql/my_create.sql there is no version table. does it mean that s ser database tables don't have any version number? if so, they have to be added in order to allow easy db table upgrade.
What? Why? One of the Great Annoyances of S[E]R is the feckin' versions table. We had various surprise breakages with assorted panic because of it.
as i already mentioned, table upgrades are much simpler if you know the current version of the table. if you don't, then your (php or whatever) upgrade script needs to analyze each field of the table based on (in case of mysql) textual output of describe statements, which is not very convenient.
I don't quite follow. Shouldn't it be good enough if your administrator knows these things and acts accordingly? More often than not you will have some integration with some back-office system and there will be a complex dance on every upgrade, anyhow.
if you have an easier means to do the table upgrades, please let me know. in the meanwhile, i can use my private version table.
Naturally, you can use as many tables on the side as you want. What bugs me is that S[E]R insists on reading the versions and quietly (well, sort of. The -c option doesn't catch this and you only find out when it doesn't come up after the restart command. At which point the clock is ticking) dies.
Regards, Martin