Tanks you Daniel for your clarification
I have tested this config

loadmodule "xlog.so"
loadmodule "sdpops.so"

request_route {
  if (sdp_get_address_family() && $rc ieq 6 ) {
    xlog("L_WARN", "sdp_get_address_family == 6\n");
  } else if (sdp_get_address_family() && $rc ieq 4) {
    xlog("L_WARN", "sdp_get_address_family == 4 \n");
  } else {
    xlog("L_WARN", "cannot detect sdp family\n");

Should I update Wiki with another usage example?

  if (function_returns_four() && $rc ieq 6 ) {
    # it doesn't go here
  } else if (function_returns_four() && $rc ieq 4) {
    # it goes here

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