2011/6/15 Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc@aliax.net:
Hi, I've opened an issue in the tracker since it seems that sip-router (today's master branch) does not properly react upon TCP rejection or TCP timeout (in outgoing transactions):
Could somebody attemp these two calls?
- sip:lalala@;transport=tcp
The server will reject (iptables REJECT action) so sip-router should inmediately generate a 503 for the transaction (but instead it generates a local 408 after fr_timer, usually 32 seconds).
- sip:lalala@;transport=tcp
The server will not respond as is not reachable, so sip-router should wait for "tcp_connect_timeout" value (10 seconds by default) and then generate a local 408 (but instead it generates a local 408 after fr_timer, usually 32 seconds).
The issue just occurs when tcp_async=yes.