On 10.11.20 15:16, Juha Heinanen wrote:
I gave --cfg-print a try. I have this in config:
loadmodule "tls"
# -- tls params
#!ifdef MOD_tls
modparam("tls", "config", "/etc/sip-proxy/tls.cfg")
modparam("tls", "cipher_list", "HIGH:!ADH:!AECDH")
# -- tm params
and --cfg-print gave this kind of output:
loadmodule "tls"
# -- tls params
# -- tm params
Since tls module is loaded I would have expected tls modparams to show
up in the output.
It is not aware of the defines pushed from the C code, only those from
command line (e.g., -A) or config file. Maybe these ones related to
loadmodule can be caught in the lex parser, but the others pushed from
the c code after effectively loading the module are not easy to do
unless the flex parsing approach is changed. I am not planning to go
myself that way, but I am open to contributions.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla --
www.twitter.com/miconda --