On 09 Dec 2014, at 21:32, Victor Seva linuxmaniac@torreviejawireless.org wrote:
On 12/09/2014 09:04 PM, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
There are users on IRC that like to contribute to our documentation with how-to guides. I can set up a structure for that on the wiki, but wants to stay assured that information copied on the wiki freely can be copied to module READMEs if they add value.
Do we have a clear understanding under what terms wiki contributions to the project are done?
No. I don't see any disclaimer about license on the wiki.
Maybe we need to look into that.
Is it possible to copy text from the wiki to the source code docs, like INSTALL and module docs without breaking any license?
But, If someone wants to contribute on the documentation area and It is related to module docs, github pull request can be used easily.
Why don't encourage users to collaborate into kamailio/doc/ with those how-to?
Wiki is a natural editing point that you can use without knowing git our source code.
But we need to avoid any license/copyright issues. It would be bad if we had information on the wiki that we could not copy to the source code.