It is easy to reproduce, just call exec_avp with sh script which has sleep 1 min.

Please find below part of configuration file where the exec_avp is used:

if (t_is_canceled()) {

if (t_branch_timeout()) {

    if (t_branch_replied()) {

        // A local timeout after some provsional reply.
        xlog("L_WARN", "No final response on request $rm CSeq:$cs ($ci)!\n");

    } else {
        // A local transaction timed out w/o any reply received.
        // In case incoming calls that means out Telephony doesn't reply.

        xlog("L_ERR", "Failover on request $rm CSeq:$cs ($ci)!\n");

        // Set current Telephony to inactive probbing state

        // Checking next endpoint from the destination list
        if (!ds_next_dst()) {
            t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");
            xlog("L_CRIT","Failure route: All Telephony servers are invactive!\n");

            if ($shv(is_zabbix_event_sent) == 0) {
                $shv(is_zabbix_event_sent) = 1;
                exec_avp("etc/kamailio/ ecsp_no_telephony");
                xlog("L_NOTICE","ecsp_no_telephony event is sent to zabbix\n");


        xlog("L_ERR", "Try to send to $rd:$rp ($ci)\n");



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