I am trying to create a docker image which contains a preconfigured Kamailio server in presence mode.
My image is based off the official Kamailio docker image version **kamailio/kamailio:5.6.2-bullseye**.
My **kamctlrc** file is as follows. ``` SIP_DOMAIN="my-domain.com" DBENGINE="DBTEXT" DB_PATH="/usr/share/kamailio/dbtext" MD5="md5sum" AWK="awk" GDB="gdb" GREP="grep" EGREP="egrep" SED="sed" LAST_LINE="tail -n 1" EXPR="expr" INSTALL_EXTRA_TABLES="yes" INSTALL_PRESENCE_TABLES="yes" INSTALL_DBUID_TABLES="yes" RPCFIFOPATH="/run/kamailio/kamailio_rpc.fifo" PID_FILE="/run/kamailio/kamailio.pid" ``` However, when I try to run **kamdbctl create** I get the following error.
`'18 0.402 ** ERROR: database engine not loaded - tried 'DBTEXT`
Can anyone shed any light on what I am doing wrong here?