
there are two functions, add_contact_alias() and set_contact_alias(), fist added by Juha and the second by me.

Is that really needed, because if couple of sip nodes add that parameter, then expect that each node will handle it.

A --- P1 --- P2 --- P3 --- B

If P1 is adding by P2 is processing as well, then it will mess up routing. I think by the order they are added, they are going to be processed ok even many nodes are adding it.

If there is no safe around detecting if alias was added locally in handle_ruri_alias(), then this patch behaviour should be made configurable if still wanted.


On 08/01/15 09:09, Jason Penton wrote:

I assume this will be for Juha or Maxim, but I would like to suggest the following patch for nathelper to ensure that the alias is not added if it already exists in the contact uri.

Juha, Maxim as this is your module are you happy with this?



Jason Penton
Senior Manager: Applications and Services
Smile Communications Pty (Ltd)
Mobile: +27 (0) 83 283 7000
Skype: jason.barry.penton

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