While initially I misunderstood what you reported, it still is a matter of the configuration file, either setting r-uri host part to null via uri2tel or other operations, so here I spent some time to prove it.
Next is the diff to master branch default config file:
``` diff --git a/etc/kamailio.cfg b/etc/kamailio.cfg index e31d112839..5031062247 100644 --- a/etc/kamailio.cfg +++ b/etc/kamailio.cfg @@ -502,6 +502,11 @@ modparam("debugger", "log_level_name", "exec") * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */ request_route {
+ if(uri==myself) { + xinfo("r-uri is myself: $ru\n"); + } else { + xinfo("r-uri is not myself: $ru\n"); + } # per request initial checks route(REQINIT); ```
I run kamailio (master and 5.3 branches) in source code folder with:
``` ./src/kamailio -w . -f etc/kamailio.cfg -L src/modules/ -a no -n 2 -E -e -dd ```
Then shoot an OPTIONS with sipsak and all is fine (note in the middle the INFO log message printed by the diff added above to default config, no other errors):
``` $ sipsak -vvv -p -s "sip:+4930303030openrcs.com;user=phone" fqdnhostname: warning: need raw socket (root privileges) to receive all ICMP errors our Via-Line: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.44f4a309;rport;alias
New message with Via-Line: OPTIONS sip:+4930303030openrcs.com;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.44f4a309;rport;alias From: sip:sipsak@;tag=72dc047d To: sip:+4930303030openrcs.com;user=phone Call-ID: 1927021693@ CSeq: 1 OPTIONS Contact: sip:sipsak@ Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: sipsak 0.9.7pre Accept: text/plain
request: OPTIONS sip:+4930303030openrcs.com;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.44f4a309;rport;alias From: sip:sipsak@;tag=72dc047d To: sip:+4930303030openrcs.com;user=phone Call-ID: 1927021693@ CSeq: 1 OPTIONS Contact: sip:sipsak@ Content-Length: 0 Max-Forwards: 70 User-Agent: sipsak 0.9.7pre Accept: text/plain
send to: UDP:
1(71486) INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 1927021693@} <script>: r-uri is not myself: sip:+4930303030openrcs.com;user=phone
message received received from: UDP: SIP/2.0 403 Not relaying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.44f4a309;rport=56671;alias;received= From: sip:sipsak@;tag=72dc047d To: sip:+4930303030openrcs.com;user=phone;tag=9dd61ff61e802d8e2bef5f14621ef3c2.76a5bc12 Call-ID: 1927021693@ CSeq: 1 OPTIONS Server: kamailio (5.5.0-dev2 (x86_64/darwin)) Content-Length: 0
** reply received after 7.553 ms ** SIP/2.0 403 Not relaying final received ```
So again, it should be specific to your config.
If one wants to silent log errors when using functions that require host part in the uri with values without host, then is another scope, it should be an enhancement at least controlled by a parameter, because such errors are useful to alert when one does wrong config operations.