El Viernes, 24 de Julio de 2009, Daniel-Constantin Mierla escribió:
On 24.07.2009 0:02 Uhr, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El Jueves, 23 de Julio de 2009, Klaus Darilion escribió:
I guess he means support for service URNs, like urn:service:sos.fire, ... http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5031
Yeah, that kind of hyper-exotic and "cool" features coming from IETF who nobody will use/implement.
:-) -- now seems to be an implementation, if it is that.
AFAIK (but I could be wrong) URN are used by endpoints. Real usage example:
1) The user is in danger since the fridge is empty.
2) He takes his "IMS-ready" phone and looks for "Emergency" menu.
3) There he selects: "urn:ietf:params:urn:emergeny:human:no-food"
4) The hyper-intelligent phone sends automatically a PUBLISH to all its watchers containing a header "Accept: Burger" and body:
<dm:person id="hyper-cool-ietf-ims-oma-phone"> rpid:activities rpid:hungry/ </rpid:activities> dm:noteFood please</dm:note> </dm:person>
5) The phone also makes a call to all the proxies close to it with URI: "urn:ietf:params:urn:emergeny:human:no-food"
6) The proxy translates that URI into "sip:112@LEGACY_GW_IP" and routes the call.
7) When the emergency service answers the call, a voice + video + MSRP session is started. Nothing works due to NAT.
8) At the same time some IETF member is writting a draft about "urns" uri called: "draft-ietf-i-am-cool-because-i-write-drafts-secure-urn.txt"