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Allows adding additional AMQP-headers in the format header1=value1;header2=value2;...

I decided to re-use the definition
{"kazoo_publish", (cmd_function) kz_amqp_publish_ex, 4, fixup_kz_amqp, fixup_kz_amqp_free, ANY_ROUTE},
resp. to modify the existing method signature
int kz_amqp_publish_ex(struct sip_msg* msg, char* exchange, char* routing_key, char* payload, char* _pub_flags)
int kz_amqp_publish_ex(struct sip_msg* msg, char* exchange, char* routing_key, char* payload, char* _pub_flags)
as the param _pub_flags is neither described in the docs, nor it was evaluated/used, and thus was useless anyhow.

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