Hi Jason,


I’ve not done anything further on this since Friday, as I’ve been busy on other things.


If you have trouble reproducing it I can send you my sipp scripts and some wireshark traces if it helps.





From: sr-dev-bounces@lists.sip-router.org [mailto:sr-dev-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Jason Penton
Sent: 29 January 2014 07:52
To: Kamailio (SER) - Development Mailing List
Subject: Re: [sr-dev] Problem with Registration on pcscf


Hey Paul,


Sorry for the delay on this. I had missed it. I will see if I can re-create and get back to you. Have you maanged to do any more testing since?





On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Paul Pankhurst <paul@crocodile-rcs.com> wrote:

I've noticed a problem with registrations on the pcscf when doing some testing with sipp

If I send in a REGISTER with SIPP followed by an INVITE calls go through my system no problem.
If I then stop the sipp script and run it again, I find that although the registration succeeds, subsequent INVITES are rejected telling me that I have not registered!
If I unregister at the end of my script everything is fine, and the problem goes away after the original REGISTRATION times out, so this led me to think that we had a problem with multiple registrations entries in the system.

The problem seems to be a result of the fact that sipp always places the same ip address and port number on the contact line when using tcp connections.

I've had a look through the code and believe that we are getting multiple entries in the usrloc hash table in this scenario, and ul_get_pcontact only ever returns the first one which causes pcscf_is_registered to incorrectly report that the UE is not registered.


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