=== Description ===
use $sel() in event_route from evapi module will cause segfault and kamailio crash.
=== How to re-produce ===
--- Step 1. kamailio.cfg: ---
loadmodule "evapi.so"
modparam("evapi", "bind_addr", "")
modparam("evapi", "netstring_format", 1)
modparam("evapi", "workers", 4)
self.MYIP = ""
event_route[evapi:connection-new] {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "[ROUTEDEBUG][evapi:connection-new] new connection from $evapi(srcaddr):$evapi(srcport)");
xlog("L_NOTICE", "[ROUTEDEBUG][evapi:connection-new] TEST sel: $sel(cfg_get.self.MYIP)");
event_route[evapi:message-received] {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "[ROUTEDEBUG][evapi:message-received] test sel: $sel(cfg_get.self.MYIP)");
--- 2. try connect to evapi ---
You can use any client to try to connect or send message.
in bash, you can just use the following command to connect to and send a message:
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/; printf "5:Hello," >&3;
=== Debug level 3 error log at event_route[evapi:connection-new] ===
Aug 12 16:35:07 SIP /home/pkg/kamailio/sbin/kamailio[47034]: NOTICE:
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