Hello, I am working on extending $hfl and $hflc supporting some more headers. During some experimentation, i stumbled in some weird behavior regarding $(hfl(Route)[-1]) and negative indexing of $hfl pseudo-variable.
Here is a breakdown of what's happening:
in kamailio.cfg:
request_route { xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers hdr: $hdr(Route)\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers hfl: $hfl(Route)\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers count: $hflc(Route)\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers 0: $(hfl(Route)[0])\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers 1: $(hfl(Route)[1])\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers 4: $(hfl(Route)[4])\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers -1: $(hfl(Route)[-1])\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers -2: $(hfl(Route)[-2])\n"); xlog("L_INFO", "Route headers -3: $(hfl(Route)[-3])\n"); ... }
Now when sending a SIP message containing multiple headers that have comma separated values ie: OPTIONS_MSG_2CONTACTS="OPTIONS sip:example.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK123456789 Max-Forwards: 70 From: sip:bob@example.com;tag=123456789 To: sip:alice@example.com Call-ID: 987654321@ CSeq: 1 OPTIONS Contact: sip:bob@example.com;expires=3600,sip:bob2@example.com;expires=3600,sip:bob3@example.com;expires=3600 Route: sip:server1.example.com;lr;ftag=1234, sip:server2.example.com;lr;ftag=5678, sip:server3.example.com;lr;ftag=9012 Route: sip:server4.example.com;lr;ftag=1234, sip:server5.example.com;lr;ftag=5678 Content-Length: 0 "
the logs show the weird behavior: Negative -1 should print the last header found and so on (as stated by https://www.kamailio.org/wikidocs/cookbooks/devel/pseudovariables/#hflname-h... $hdr $hfl doc). Currently, -1 prints null and -2 prints the last one, -3 second to last and so on. This is probably a bug and not the expected behavior, or am i missing something?
INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers hdr: sip:server1.example.com;lr;ftag=1234, sip:server2.example.com;lr;ftag=5678, sip:server3.example.com;lr;ftag=9012 INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers hfl: sip:server1.example.com;lr;ftag=1234 INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers count: 5 INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers 0: sip:server1.example.com;lr;ftag=1234 INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers 1: sip:server2.example.com;lr;ftag=5678 INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers 4: sip:server5.example.com;lr;ftag=5678 INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers -1: <null> INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers -2: sip:server5.example.com;lr;ftag=5678 INFO: {1 1 OPTIONS 987654321@} <script>: Route headers -3: sip:server4.example.com;lr;ftag=1234
Thanks, Xenofon