On 07/01/2009 02:25 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Miklos Tirpak writes:
Anyway, I think your particular problem can be
solved with the
on_sl_reply modparam:
modparam(tm, on_sl_reply, "stateless_reply");
# This route is executes if tm module does not find
# the transaction for the reply.
# If 0 is returned then the reply is not forwarded.
return 0;
do i need to call t_on_reply("stateless_reply") in order to activate
this onreply route?
No, you do not need to. tm module checks every incoming reply. If the
transaction is not found for a reply and the above modparam is set then
the route block, "stateless_reply" in my example, is executed. Depending
on the return value of this route the processing continues or stops.
t_on_reply() has an effect only if tm module finds the associated
transaction of the reply, so it is another case.
if so, it is not very practical, because i currently call 'drop' in
default onreply_route, which is executed automatically for each reply.
I see, so you did it before tm module saw the reply. In fact both
solutions wrap to the same function, t_check(), so you should get the
same result.
-- juha