let say that mediaproxy-ng rtpproxy_offer had flags SP (RTP/SAVPF was sent to callee). is it necessary to have corresponding flags (e.g. sp) in rtpproxy_answer call or does mediaproxy-ng remember, what caller's profile was when corresponding rtpproxy_offer was called?
-- juha
On 10/27/13 05:29, Juha Heinanen wrote:
let say that mediaproxy-ng rtpproxy_offer had flags SP (RTP/SAVPF was sent to callee). is it necessary to have corresponding flags (e.g. sp) in rtpproxy_answer call or does mediaproxy-ng remember, what caller's profile was when corresponding rtpproxy_offer was called?
Currently it doesn't remember, but I plan to have an auto/detect option for the RTP profile and a few other things (e.g. address family).