because of taking several days off, a complete report might show up a bit later, apologizes for that. Now a (short) summary...
First, many thanks thanks to 1&1 for hosting the event and everyone that participated in such short notice. There were representatives from 10 companies: - 1&1 - FhG Fokus - Telio - Asipto - iptelorg/Tekelec - Voztelecom - Iptego - Itsyscom - Longphone - Basis AudioNet Some pictures should be published in the near future.
After going in short introduction and presentation of the goals from the point of view of each project, we focused on: - identification of potential points of conflicts and how to get to a resolution in such case - code integration for common layer of the first phase - future development and proposals of new features - management of the larger eco-system that includes related projects and business entities
I will send several emails detailing what was discussed and proposed there in few days. meanwhile, the outlines: - it is hard to avoid conflicts just by some clear and strict rules, so the common sense should lead the collaboration and discussions - GIT repository should be up in several days so the work can start, with a time line of 2-3 months from now to get core and tm in a very good shape of integration - another meeting shall be set in about 3 months time, to allow enough time for people to be able to attend, adjust the development and look more deep at the future. While the a lot of focus in the next months will be on integration, development of new features won't stop -- for examples, steps to a partial asynchronous processing are undertaking, couple of new modules are planned for release, several other modules to bring new functionalities - we should encourage and promote the development of related applications, like web interfaces, management tools, applications servers -- the add value for community and business
Cheers, Daniel