### Description
I don't know if this is a bug, or if I missing some config requirements. I mentioned the issue on the sr-user but did not get any comment.
In case serial (or combined serial/parallel) branching is wished, the q value from the registered contact is considered to define the order in which a call is serial branched.
If a CPE registers without q value, the value can be defined by:
modparam("registrar", "default_q", 500)
If a CPE registers with a q value, the client provided value is not being overridden by the default_q setting.
In order to force the order there is a need to override the q value provided by a CPE.
According to the Manual this is possible:
modparam("registrar", "xavp_cfg", "reg")
q - q value of contact (integer 0-1000). It overrides q value given in contact header and default_q parameter. Used in save().
#### Reproduction
Actual config:
``` modparam("registrar", "method_filtering", 1) modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10) modparam("registrar", "max_expires", 3600) modparam("registrar", "gruu_enabled", 0) modparam("registrar", "retry_after", 30) modparam("registrar", "xavp_cfg", "reg") modparam("registrar", "default_q", 600) modparam("registrar", "use_path", 1) modparam("registrar", "path_mode", 1) modparam("registrar", "path_check_local", 0) ```
``` route[REGISTRAR] { # Create an AOR based on the auth_username for the location service. $var(saveuri) = "sip:" + $aU + "@" + $rd;
$xavp(reg=>q) = 450;
$var(result) = save("location","0x00","$var(saveuri)");
if ($var(result) == -2) { xlog("L_ERR", "$cfg(route): Too many contacts for $var(saveuri)\n"); sl_reply_error(); } if ($var(result) == -1) { xlog("L_ERR", "$cfg(route): Error saving location $var(saveuri)\n"); sl_reply_error(); } if ($var(result) == 1) { xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): Contact $var(saveuri) inserted\n"); } if ($var(result) == 2) { if ($avp(debug) > 0) { xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): Contact $var(saveuri) updated\n"); } } if ($var(result) == 3) { xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): Contact $var(saveuri) deleted\n"); } if ($var(result) == 4) { xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): Contact $var(saveuri) returned\n"); } } ```
#### Debugging Data
``` # kamctl ul show | json_pp | grep "Q" "Q" : 0.6, "Q" : 0.6, "Q" : 0.6, "Q" : 0.5, "Q" : 0.6, "Q" : 0.6, "Q" : 0.6, ```
CPE providing a q value (0.5 in this case for CPE 4) are not overriden. CPE providing no q value are inserted with default_q value.
Expectation: $xavp(reg=>q) = 450 should cause all CPE to register with Q: 0.45
#### Log Messages
No errors logged while saving contact.
#### SIP Traffic
I could show the Register messages of CPE with q= attribute and without, but I don't think this contributes to solving the issue.
### Possible Solutions
I attempted some other notations like:
$xavp(reg>q) or $xavp(reg[0]=>q)
none worked.
I also noted some time ago that setting: $xavp(reg=>max_contacts) also does not work
### Additional Information
``` Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy ```
Any help / hints appreciated!
I tested with git master branch (as I had it ready in my testbed and I do not recall any report that would have led to a fix that is not also backported) and both q and max contacts seem to work fine.
Config snippets (based on default kamailio.cfg, changes below):
``` modparam("registrar", "xavp_cfg", "reg") ... $xavp(reg=>max_contacts) = 1; $xavp(reg[0]=>q) = 450; if (!save("location")) { sl_reply_error(); } ```
``` # kamctl ul show
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "Domains": [{ "Domain": { "Domain": "location", "Size": 1024, "AoRs": [{ "Info": { "AoR": "alice", "HashID": 1834153949, "Contacts": [{ "Contact": { "Address": "sip:;transport=udp", "Expires": 40, "Q": 0.450000, "Call-ID": "f6f80aa2-151c-4727-9bcc-f2c5e45f31dc", ```
I tested with sipexer, first command to register got 200ok, second one 503 (with the info header):
``` SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=59194;branch=z9hG4bKSG.8ac6cb19-e990-4585-b10e-634cb9163a0d;received= From: sip:alice@;tag=b6c8b02b-af5e-4e56-b459-2cc2b225e2a4 To: sip:alice@;tag=9dd61ff61e802d8e2bef5f14621ef3c2.d4946a05 Call-ID: 35b348de-a40e-4bb2-8404-aaa2d341390f CSeq: 181716 REGISTER Contact: sip:;transport=udp;q=0.45;expires=57 P-Registrar-Error: Too many registered contacts Server: kamailio (6.0.0-dev3 (aarch64/linux)) Content-Length: 0 ````
Kamailio log:
``` 2(3443748) INFO: {1 181716 REGISTER 35b348de-a40e-4bb2-8404-aaa2d341390f} registrar [save.c:663]: test_max_contacts(): too many contacts for AOR <alice> (n:2 max:1) ```
Can you test your config with master and see if with it works? If yes, then it has to be tracked what is different with the older version.
Hi Daniel
First I checked with version: 5.8.4 (x86_64/linux) and this part which i believe is the example config with just the line to set the xavp added:
``` # Handle SIP registrations route[REGISTRAR] { if (!is_method("REGISTER")) return;
if(isflagset(FLT_NATS)) { setbflag(FLB_NATB); #!ifdef WITH_NATSIPPING # do SIP NAT pinging setbflag(FLB_NATSIPPING); #!endif } $xavp(reg[0]=>q) = 450; if (!save("location")) { sl_reply_error(); } exit; } ```
Still same issue.
Then I commented out all registrar modparams except:
``` modparam("nathelper|registrar", "received_avp", "$avp(RECEIVED)") modparam("registrar", "xavp_cfg", "reg") ```
Still the same issue.
Are there any modules or parameters which could interfere with setting $xavp(reg[0]=>q)?
I'll try to check out and compile master to see if I can reproduce.
Oh, I just discovered the nightly builds, how convenient :-)
`version: kamailio 6.0.0-dev3 (x86_64/linux) ` <= is this corresponding to the 'master' you mentioned?
Same config as with 5.8.4.
``` # kamctl ul show | grep Q "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, ```
No Joy!
try with: ``` $xavp(reg=>q) = 450; ```
Cranked up debug level:
``` xlog("L_INFO","******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE START\n"); $xavp(reg[0]=>q) = 450; if (!save("location")) { sl_reply_error(); } xlog("L_INFO","******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE END\n"); ```
``` # kamctl ul show 315996608 | grep Q "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, ```
``` Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<script>: ******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE START Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]registrar [path.c:121]: build_path_vector(): path is <> Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:352]: pack_ci(): set instance[urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49FCAD] Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<core> [core/utils/sruid.c:222]: sruid_nextx(): new sruid is [uloc-676002d5-1d7d8-1] (1 / 21) Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:447]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-676002d5-1d7d8-1 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<core> [core/utils/sruid.c:222]: sruid_nextx(): new sruid is [uloc-676002d5-1d7d8-2] (2 / 21) Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:447]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-676002d5-1d7d8-2 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]registrar [reply.c:327]: build_contact(): created Contact HF: Contact: sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=59;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49FB42", sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=59;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D4C3150", sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=59;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49F893", sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=60;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49FCAD"#015#012 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]sl [sl.c:306]: send_reply(): reply in stateless mode (sl) Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<core> [core/msg_translator.c:164]: check_via_address(): (,, 0) Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]sl [sl_funcs.c:566]: sl_run_callbacks(): execute callback for event type 1 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace.c:1991]: trace_sl_onreply_out(): trace off... Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]sl [sl_funcs.c:566]: sl_run_callbacks(): execute callback for event type 1 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<core> [core/receive.c:128]: sip_check_fline(): first line indicates a SIP reply Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace.c:2500]: siptrace_net_data_sent(): processing message mode 1 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace_hep.c:525]: pipport2su(): the port string is 5060 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace_hep.c:525]: pipport2su(): the port string is 5060 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<core> [core/proxy.c:269]: mk_proxy(): doing DNS lookup... Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<core> [core/dns_cache.c:533]: _dns_hash_find(): (dev-stats02.devtel.imp.ch(25), 1), h=6 Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace_hep.c:187]: trace_send_hep3_duplicate(): setting up the socket_info Dec 16 10:37:36 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120792]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277737 REGISTER]<script>: ******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE END ```
@linuxmaniac tried before, but again with 6.0.0:
``` xlog("L_INFO","******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE START\n"); $xavp(reg=>q) = 450; if (!save("location")) { sl_reply_error(); } xlog("L_INFO","******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE END\n"); ```
``` # kamctl ul show 315996608 | grep Q "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, "Q": -1, ```
``` Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: INFO: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<script>: ******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE START Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]registrar [path.c:121]: build_path_vector(): path is <> Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:352]: pack_ci(): set instance[urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49FB42] Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<core> [core/utils/sruid.c:222]: sruid_nextx(): new sruid is [uloc-676003fa-1d834-1] (1 / 21) Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:447]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-676003fa-1d834-1 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<core> [core/utils/sruid.c:222]: sruid_nextx(): new sruid is [uloc-676003fa-1d834-2] (2 / 21) Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:447]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-676003fa-1d834-2 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]registrar [reply.c:327]: build_contact(): created Contact HF: Contact: sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=60;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D4C3150", sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=60;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49FB42", sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=53;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49F893", sip:315996608@;transport=udp;expires=53;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-00085D49FCAD"#015#012 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]sl [sl.c:306]: send_reply(): reply in stateless mode (sl) Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<core> [core/msg_translator.c:164]: check_via_address(): (,, 0) Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]sl [sl_funcs.c:566]: sl_run_callbacks(): execute callback for event type 1 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace.c:1991]: trace_sl_onreply_out(): trace off... Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]sl [sl_funcs.c:566]: sl_run_callbacks(): execute callback for event type 1 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<core> [core/receive.c:128]: sip_check_fline(): first line indicates a SIP reply Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace.c:2500]: siptrace_net_data_sent(): processing message mode 1 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace_hep.c:525]: pipport2su(): the port string is 5060 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace_hep.c:525]: pipport2su(): the port string is 5060 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<core> [core/proxy.c:269]: mk_proxy(): doing DNS lookup... Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<core> [core/dns_cache.c:533]: _dns_hash_find(): (dev-stats02.devtel.imp.ch(25), 1), h=6 Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]siptrace [siptrace_hep.c:187]: trace_send_hep3_duplicate(): setting up the socket_info Dec 16 10:42:57 dev-sbc02 kamailio[120884]: INFO: [1 315996608 aed62d31935d2fbf 1679135524 REGISTER]<script>: ******* OVERRIDING Q VALUE END ```
I re-visited max_contacts. This is getting logged. I'll re-test, but my main interest is in forcing the Q value to ensure parallel forking.
``` Dec 16 11:42:09 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122908]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 585ee212b7dd1a5c 1941290511 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:466]: reg_get_crt_max_contacts(): looking up $xavp(reg=>max_contacts) for max contacts limit Dec 16 11:42:09 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122908]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 585ee212b7dd1a5c 1941290511 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:471]: reg_get_crt_max_contacts(): using max contacts value from xavp: 77 Dec 16 11:42:09 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122908]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 585ee212b7dd1a5c 1941290511 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:638]: test_max_contacts(): 3 valid contacts before update Dec 16 11:42:09 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122908]: DEBUG: [1 315996608 585ee212b7dd1a5c 1941290511 REGISTER]registrar [save.c:668]: test_max_contacts(): 4 contacts when update is done (max: 77) ```
Interesting... I set more elements in the xavp and suddenly I get this:
``` # kamctl ul show 315996608 | grep Q "Q": 0.450000, "Q": 0.450000, "Q": 0.450000, "Q": 0.450000, "Q": 0.450000, ```
``` Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:679]: xavx_print_list_content(): +++++ start XAVP list: 0x7f5a02440700 ((nil)) (level=0) Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:683]: xavx_print_list_content(): *** (l:0 - 0x7f5a02440700) XAVP name: reg Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:685]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP id: 8142129 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:686]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value type: 5 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:705]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value: xavp:0x7f5a02440860 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:679]: xavx_print_list_content(): +++++ start XAVP list: 0x7f5a02440860 (0x7f5a02440720) (level=1) Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:683]: xavx_print_list_content(): *** (l:1 - 0x7f5a02440860) XAVP name: expires Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:685]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP id: 1784956455 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:686]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value type: 1 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:699]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value (long): 88 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:719]: xavx_print_list_content(): *** (l:1 - 0x7f5a02440860) end Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:683]: xavx_print_list_content(): *** (l:1 - 0x7f5a024407b0) XAVP name: q Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:685]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP id: 127 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:686]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value type: 1 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:699]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value (long): 450 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:719]: xavx_print_list_content(): *** (l:1 - 0x7f5a024407b0) end Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:683]: xavx_print_list_content(): *** (l:1 - 0x7f5a02440640) XAVP name: max_contacts Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:685]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP id: 1026065242 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:686]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value type: 1 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:699]: xavx_print_list_content(): XAVP value (long): 77 Dec 16 11:49:54 dev-sbc02 kamailio[122946]: INFO: [1 315996608 1b336b0add3e1424 1967277906 REGISTER]<core> [core/xavp.c:719]: xavx_print_list_content(): *** (l:1 - 0x7f5a02440640) end ```
Ok I think I got my mistake. I probably failed to correctly set the xavp
on the first invocation it's reg=>element on any next one it's reg[0]=>element to set in on the same level on the xavp stack.
Re-Testing on 5.8 and 5.7
Closed #4068 as completed.
Re-Tested and closing.
When paying attention to correctly populate the reg XAVP (watch out for if statements and loops) then the values set seem to work as intended even in 5.7.
So basically usage error. Sorry, about not noticing this.