A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below.
User who did this - Juha Heinanen (jh)
Attached to Project - sip-router Summary - user friendly module function declaration Task Type - Improvement Category - Core Status - Assigned Assigned To - Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul Operating System - All Severity - Medium Priority - Normal Reported Version - Development Due in Version - Undecided Due Date - Undecided Details - instead of telling, how many arguments a module function has and what fixup function to use, number and kinds of the arguments could be specified by a string of letters, such as, i = expression yielding to an int value, s = expression yielding to a string value, v = script variable, a = avp, p = any pseudo variable. for example, in
{"printx", (cmd_function)print_fx, "sip", 0, REQUEST_ROUTE}
printx would have 3 arguments, first one a sting valued expression, second an int valued expression and third a pseudo variable.
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