INFO: <script>: SET_DST trying to get dialplan from dpid:101000 -
DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:232]: dp_get_ivalue(): searching 15
DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:240]: dp_get_ivalue(): dpid is 101000 from pv argument
DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:249]: dp_get_svalue(): searching 7
DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:345]: dp_translate_f(): input is 0034654205681
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:606]: dp_translate_helper(): regex operator testing over
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:681]: dp_translate_helper(): found a matching rule
0x7f065c2818d0: pr 1, match_exp ^00([1-9][0-35-9]|[1-35-9][0-9])[0-9]+$
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:688]: dp_translate_helper(): the rule's attrs are
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:699]: dp_translate_helper(): the copied attributes are:
ERROR: dialplan [dp_repl.c:439]: rule_translate(): the string 0034654205681 matched the
match_exp ^00([1-9][0-35-9]|[1-35-9][0-9])[0-9]+$ but not the subst_exp
ERROR: dialplan [dp_repl.c:730]: dp_translate_helper(): could not build the output
DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:350]: dp_translate_f(): could not translate 0034654205681 with
dpid 101000
INFO: <script>: SET_DST no valid subst_exp for '0034654205681' trying to
match - ci='1cf77cbb5baebdbd0e8635e1116aa713(a)PBX-2797.xpbx.foehn.co.uk'
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:606]: dp_translate_helper(): regex operator testing over
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:681]: dp_translate_helper(): found a matching rule
0x7f065c2818d0: pr 1, match_exp ^00([1-9][0-35-9]|[1-35-9][0-9])[0-9]+$
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:688]: dp_translate_helper(): the rule's attrs are
DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:699]: dp_translate_helper(): the copied attributes are:
DEBUG: <script>: SET_DST $var(dp_attrs):cli=+34654205682;action=0 action:0 -
#### Pre-Submission Checklist
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- [x] Commits are split per component (core, individual modules, libs, utils, ...)
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#### Type Of Change
- [x] Small bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds new functionality)
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#### Checklist:
<!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick the checkboxes that
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- [x] PR should be backported to stable branches
- [x] Tested changes locally
- [x] Related to issue #1952
#### Description
changing ``dp_replace_helper()`` to pass a NULL value indicating no output is needed ( no
need to do subst ) to ``dp_translate_helper()``
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* dialplan: don't try to translate on dp_match()
-- File Changes --
M src/modules/dialplan/dialplan.c (14)
M src/modules/dialplan/dp_repl.c (3)
-- Patch Links --
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