The new module contains the http_client and http_async_client module.
A few difficulties with this change:
1. Modules are right now grouped by lib dependencies. This caused the http_client module
to end up in the kamailio-utils-modules package. No one would ever search for it there.
2. I tried to package a kamailio-http_async-modules package, but this isn't a valid
Debian package name. But when renaming it into kamailio-http-modules, it felt wrong to
include just the async http client and leave the http_client module stuck in the utils
package, where no one would look for it. So I moved the http_client package, too.
3. The package depends on libevent, which is actually just a dependency of
http_async_client. http_client would compile without. I don't know whether this breaks
any policies.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Packaging: Add new http package for Debian
-- File Changes --
M Makefile.groups (8)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/debian/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/debian/rules (2)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/jessie/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/jessie/rules (2)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/precise/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/precise/rules (2)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/sid/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/sid/rules (2)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/squeeze/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/squeeze/rules (2)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/stretch/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/stretch/rules (2)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/trusty/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/trusty/rules (2)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/wheezy/control (16)
M pkg/kamailio/deb/wheezy/rules (2)
-- Patch Links --
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