I propose to merge the users mailing lists, most of the traffic these days is about 3.0 and even there are 2 stables branches now, they are sync'ed, so same code more or less. For 3.1 will be one stable branch, falvor selection will be only a matter of make command.
Lately common useful topics are discussed on those different mailing lists, notifications and knowledge base building require cross-posting, lot of overhead imo.
Any other opinion?
Like with devel mailing lists, existing email addresses for users ML can still be used, just that end on same ML. Natural choice will be to have users@kamailio and serusers@iptel to be directed to sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
Cheers, Daniel
I am opposed to this. I think there is a large base of Kamailio users that does not wish to get mired in larger discussions about SER-compatible modes of using sip-router and other things of that nature.
On 03/27/2010 05:02 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
2010/3/27 Alex Balashov abalashov@evaristesys.com:
The merging proposal is good but perhaps it should take place later.
On 3/27/10 5:23 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
ok, I will do it 10 minutes later ;-)
The proposal resulted looking at discussions on the mailing lists and feedback I accumulated during last month travelings. We direct new the people looking at our project to three different places for discussions about stable releases and the source code is more or less the same. What is on sr-users is definitely important for k and s users as well.
Surprisingly, even for me, the integration done last year had fantastic outcome and the differences between flavours are not radical. I tried to summarize on the page: http://sip-router.org/kamailio-release/
Moreover, the best for our community users is having access to all developers. We share now code that was developed by the other project during 2005-2008 and we tend to stay focused on just one users mailing list, neglecting the others.
I think we can sort out better the issues in one mailing list and everyone is sure will get the best answer since all devels and users will have focus in a single place. In addition, the discussions about differences existing now will create the necessary pressure to document properly or find a better solution.
Cheers, Daniel
Agree. If you want to continue to build critical mass for your software and your community, you should definitely have fewer lists, not more. Serious participants have no trouble to filter out posts that are not of interest or don't affect them (or they don't understand). But serious participants hate to miss things important to them just because it did not appear on "their" list.
a final reminder for users mailing lists merging...
If nothing else against appears, I will merge users list to sr-users over the weekend. You can continue posting to existing mailing lists addresses, it will work, just that messages will end up on the same place.
Thanks, Daniel
On 3/28/10 6:52 AM, Jeff Brower wrote:
a final reminder for users mailing lists merging...
If nothing else against appears, I will merge users list to sr-users over the weekend. You can continue posting to existing mailing lists addresses, it will work, just that messages will end up on the same place.
Thanks, Daniel
On 3/28/10 6:52 AM, Jeff Brower wrote:
On Mar 26, 2010 at 20:03, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote:
I think it's a good ideea.