Hello. I need parallel forking calls with the same username. (Call to all contacts with name for example User123), my endpoints may be WebSocket based and standart UDP endpoints. And I use rtpengine_manage for managing calls wor webphones and standart softh/hard phones.
I get all contacts manually and than at the branch route set rtpengine_manage settings for every call.
It works fine but it works for one kamailio server.
When I use 2 kamailio servers as load balansers Server that handle call get all endpoints from location but call to only one, that registred only at ths server
for example I call user123 I have 3 contacts user123@ - was registered at kamailio 1 user123@ - was registered at kamailio 2 user123@ - was registered at kamailio 1
So if call goes through kamailio 1 it call only to user123@ and user123@
I use this settings for usrloc at 2 kamailios to share all table between 2 servers
modparam("usrloc", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 3) modparam("usrloc", "user_column", "username") modparam("usrloc", "contact_column", "contact") modparam("usrloc", "expires_column", "expires") modparam("usrloc", "q_column", "q") modparam("usrloc", "callid_column", "callid") modparam("usrloc", "cseq_column", "cseq") modparam("usrloc", "methods_column", "methods") modparam("usrloc", "cflags_column", "cflags") modparam("usrloc", "user_agent_column", "user_agent") modparam("usrloc", "received_column", "received") modparam("usrloc", "socket_column", "socket") modparam("usrloc", "path_column", "path") modparam("usrloc", "ruid_column", "ruid") modparam("usrloc", "instance_column", "instance") modparam("usrloc", "use_domain", 1)
and this code for calling them
[GET_CONTACTS] { sql_query("ca", "select contact from location where username='$tU'", "ra"); xlog("rows: $dbr(ra=>rows) cols: $dbr(ra=>cols)\n"); if($dbr(ra=>rows)>0){ $var(i)=0; while($var(i)<$dbr(ra=>rows)){ xlog("L_INFO","SQL query return contact {$dbr(ra=>[$var(i),0])} for {$tU} at step {$var(i)}\n"); if ($dbr(ra=>[$var(i),0])=~"transport=ws"){ xlog("L_INFO", "This is a Websocket call to endpoint"); sql_pvquery("ca", "select received from location where contact='$dbr(ra=>[$var(i),0])'","$var(recieved)"); $du=$var(recieved); xlog("L_INFO","SQL query return recieved {$var(recieved)} for {$tU}. Destination is {$du}\n"); append_branch("sip:$tU@$(du{s.select,1,:})"); } else { xlog("L_INFO", "This is a classic UDP call to endpoint"); $var(recieved)=''; sql_pvquery("ca", "select received from location where contact='$dbr(ra=>[$var(i),0])'","$var(recieved)"); xlog("L_INFO", "SQL query return RECIEVED {$var(recieved)}"); if ($var(recieved)==0){ xlog("L_INFO", "Recieved string is EMPTY"); $du="sip:"+$(dbr(ra=>[$var(i),0]){s.select,1,@}); } else { xlog("L_INFO", "Recieved string is {$var(recieved)}"); $du=$var(recieved); } $var(UDP_contact)="sip:"+$(dbr(ra=>[$var(i),0]){s.select,1,@}); append_branch("sip:$tU@$(du{s.select,1,:})"); xlog("L_INFO","Classic Destination URI is {$dbr(ra=>[$var(i),0])} for {$tU}}. Destination is {$du}\n"); } $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; } } t_on_branch("1"); return; } }
if($du=~"transport=ws"){ xlog("L_INFO","Websocket Branch is {$du} for {$tU}\n"); rtpengine_manage("internal extenal force trust-address replace-origin replace-session-connection ICE=force RTP/SAVPF"); t_on_reply("REPLY_FROM_WS"); } else{ xlog("L_INFO","UDP Branch is {$du)} for {$tU}\n"); rtpengine_manage("replace-origin replace-session-connection ICE=remove RTP/AVP"); t_on_reply("MANAGE_CLASSIC_REPLY"); } }
When it try to branch endpoint without registration at server that handle call I get errors that tm module can not build Via header
*via_builder(): TCP/TLS connection (id: 0) for WebSocket could not be found* *ERROR: <core> [msg_translator.c:1725]: build_req_buf_from_sip_req(): could not create Via header* *ERROR: <core> [forward.c:607]: forward_request(): ERROR: forward_request: building failed*
UDP calls get errors something like above (sorry than can not share error code, This situation not often).
So I think I have this trouble because I use manually handling call and tried to substitute to lookup_branches function. but I have no Idea how to set rtpengine_manage paraments for each endpoint depending this is websocket or standart call.
IF there is write problem for callings thhrough 2 kamailios as load balansers please let me know about how to set rtpengine_manage parametrs wor endpoints for every fork. If not- can you tell me how I can call to all endpoints endepending of registration server (kamailio 1 or 2).
But with another side I can not understand why kamailio 2 don't see registrations at kamailio1 (or 1 from 2). May be this is trouble of usrloc module. That's why I write this problem here. Thanks.
--- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/issues/53
Unassigned since this really isn't related to rtpengine. Sorry for the delay.
--- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/issues/53#issuecomment-108859928
Closed #53.
--- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/issues/53#event-322439244
This looks like a configuration file aspect, not an issue with the code. It should be addressed via users mailing list. Anyhow, new mechanisms were added for handing manual branch management, this might not be actual, if yes, then mailing list is the appropriate for configuration file help.
For sake of completing here, the error message likely to be due to no websocket connection found.
I am going to close this one, if still the case of an issue with the code, open a new item with appropriate details.
--- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/issues/53#issuecomment-108871870