Hey Iñaki,
Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
Hi, it would be very useful if custom variables could
be attached to a
dialog, and also the possibility of retreving, via MI, the list of
dialogs with a specific variable value and also terminating it.
In my case when my kamailio handles a call it sets it a "client_name"
profile which is enough to list/terminate all the calls belonging to
such client.
But sometimes I need to terminate those calls with a specific CLI, and
the CLI is not the From username but a custon PAI inserted by
Kamailio. This info is not stored with the dialog.
A workaround could be settting the dialog in two profiles: client_name
and PAI, but I think it's not very elegant.
Also I think that storing custom variables within each dialog could be
very useful for other subjects.
Opinions? Thanks.
Have you considered using profiles that are associated to specific
values? I haven't tried them myself but it looks pretty much like what
you seek. Consider exported functions *profile(profile, value), and the
MI function "profile_list_dlgs":
Let me know what you think of this.