Just to alert you all about a few upcoming changes to the IMC - Instant messaging multiparty chat - module that I’m working on. Any feedback is welcome!
- Adding RPC commands to manage rooms - create - list - list members - add member - kick member
- Adding a function to disable the addition of the name into the message - Adding functionality to carry the content-type over and not adding name into the message unless it’s text This is to support iscomposing messages - Adding a function to disable rewrite of headers so you can keep the From: header and use a Reply-To: header to get messages back into the chat instead of to the author of one message.
I am done with the RPC commands and am now working on the headers and new modparams. Will try to commit the RPC commands this or next week (it’s a big holiday in Sweden at the end of this week - midsummer).
If you are working on the IMC module too, please get in touch with me so we can coordinate.
Cheers, /O