A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below.
User who did this - Ilimit Comunicacions (Ilimit)
Attached to Project - sip-router
Summary - db_mysql doesn't work
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - DB interface
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To -
Operating System - All
Severity - Medium
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - Development
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - Module db_mysql doesn't works in kamailio 3.2.0 (stable since 2011-10-18)
On localhost:
# cat kamailio.cfg | grep mysql
loadmodule ""
"db_url", "mysql://openser:kkaammaalliioo@localhost/kamailio")
# mysql -h localhost -u openser -pkkaammaalliioo kamailio
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 106
Server version: 5.1.49-3-log (Debian)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL v2 license
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current
input statement.
# /etc/init.d/kamailio restart
Restarting Kamailio:
loading modules under /usr/lib/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/lib/kamailio/modules/
Listening on
udp: []:5060
kamailio error, failed to start.
# tail -6 /var/log/syslog
Nov 8 18:25:29 kamailio kamailio: INFO: <core> [tcp_main.c:4724]: init_tcp: using
epoll_lt as the io watch method (auto detected)
Nov 8 18:25:29 kamailio /usr/sbin/kamailio[29677]: INFO: usrloc [hslot.c:53]: locks array
size 512
Nov 8 18:25:29 kamailio /usr/sbin/kamailio[29677]: INFO: auth [auth_mod.c:312]: auth: qop
set, but nonce-count (nc_enabled) support disabled
Nov 8 18:25:29 kamailio /usr/sbin/kamailio[29677]: ERROR: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:109]:
driver error: Access denied for user 'openser'@'localhost' (using
password: YES)
Nov 8 18:25:29 kamailio /usr/sbin/kamailio[29677]: ERROR: <core> [db.c:302]: could
not add connection to the pool
Nov 8 18:25:29 kamailio /usr/sbin/kamailio[29677]: ERROR: presence_xml
[presence_xml.c:193]: while connecting to database
Nov 8 18:25:29 kamailio /usr/sbin/kamailio[29677]: ERROR: <core> [sr_module.c:925]:
init_mod(): Error while initializing module presence_xml
On remote host:
# cat /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg | grep mysql
loadmodule ""
# mysql -h -u kamailiorw -pk4m41l10rw kamailio
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 455
Server version: 5.1.49-3-log (Debian)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL v2 license
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current
input statement.
# /etc/init.d/kamailio restart
Restarting Kamailio:
loading modules under /usr/lib/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/lib/kamailio/modules/
Listening on
udp: []:5060
kamailio error, failed to start.
# tail -7 /var/log/syslog
Nov 8 17:31:48 kamailio2 kamailio: INFO: <core> [tcp_main.c:4724]: init_tcp: using
epoll_lt as the io watch method (auto detected)
Nov 8 17:31:48 kamailio2 /usr/sbin/kamailio[14620]: INFO: usrloc [hslot.c:53]: locks
array size 512
Nov 8 17:31:48 kamailio2 /usr/sbin/kamailio[14620]: INFO: auth [auth_mod.c:312]: auth:
qop set, but nonce-count (nc_enabled) support disabled
Nov 8 17:31:48 kamailio2 /usr/sbin/kamailio[14620]: ERROR: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:109]:
driver error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Nov 8 17:31:48 kamailio2 /usr/sbin/kamailio[14620]: ERROR: <core> [db.c:302]: could
not add connection to the pool
Nov 8 17:31:48 kamailio2 /usr/sbin/kamailio[14620]: ERROR: presence_xml
[presence_xml.c:193]: while connecting to database
Nov 8 17:31:48 kamailio2 /usr/sbin/kamailio[14620]: ERROR: <core>
[sr_module.c:925]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module presence_xml
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