### Description
Let's assume we have a MO call from UE to P-CSCF that's over ipsec. Let's assume the picked ports are like UE(6101) -> P-CSCF(6100) We have also set tcp_connection_lifetime to be 20 sec. 20 sec after INVITE connection is RST from Kamailio as expected. Then ( > 20sec later) an INVITE response comes from B side, and must be delivered to the UE. Kamailio opens a new connection and tries to establish a connection from 5060 (standard port)->6101 instead of 6100(P-CSCF) -> 6101(UE). IPSEC associations are not engaged and UE does not handle the request properly.
### Troubleshooting
#### Reproduction
#### Debugging Data
#### Log Messages
#### SIP Traffic
### Possible Solutions The IPSEC module should re-open the tcp connection if it sees it's been dropped as core module has no awareness of IPSEC.
* **Operating System**: All
Can you post a pcap taken on P-CSCF for this issue? Also, can you mention which version of kamailio and the configuration files (.cfg) used for testing this?