couple of details for those that want to watch live or even participate to Kamailio World Online Conference, Sep 1-2, 2021 - the schedule is available at:
* https://www.kamailioworld.com/k09-online/
There is no registration required, participation is completely free. You can watch live the presentations starting with 13:00UTC (14:00 London, 15:00 Berlin/Paris/Rome/Madrid, 09:00 New York) via KamailioWorld youtube channel:
* https://www.youtube.com/c/KamailioWorld
If you want to participate to the live video conferencing room, the link is:
* https://meet.kamailioworld.com/live
It is recommended to do it only if you want to address questions and interact with the speakers, otherwise the capacity of the video conferencing system may be filled and we will have to restrict the access in order to ensure good quality for presentations.
You can also address questions via youtube chat that will be available next to the live stream or Matrix room:
* #kamailio:matrix.kamailio.dev
* https://riot.kamailio.dev/#/room/#kamailio:matrix.kamailio.dev
To interact with other community member, join the Matrix chat room. No registration is required for Matrix to join the room, however the web client at the link above does not support the guests feature, you will have to use another client application that supports it or make an account with any federated Matrix server, like the one from element.io:
* https://app.element.io/#/welcome
Looking forward to chatting with many of you during the next two days!
Cheers, Daniel