i have in mtrees table rows with two different tname values. when i
start my sip proxy, mtree module complains about not being able to
convert string to integer:
Oct 30 16:12:07 rautu /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[4092]: ERROR: mtree [mtree.c:163]:
mt_add_to_tree(): bad integer string <test>
i added some debug and found out that mtree module does not change the
tree where it adds nodes even when tname value in mtrees records changes
from one record to the next. the above error was generated from the
second record that belongs to tree2 when first record belonged to tree1:
modparam("mtree", "mtree",
modparam("mtree", "mtree",
debug output showed that mtree module tried to load also the second
record to tree1.
-- juha
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i think i found and fixed the bug in master. when records were loaded
from db to a particular tree, all records were loaded instead of just
the ones of that tree.
-- juha