This fixes the following issue:
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* core: fix to xavp_rm_internal (#2604)
-- File Changes --
M src/core/xavp.c (4)
-- Patch Links --
Can you amend the commit message to describe what it fixes? If not, I can apply the patch manually.
The reference to the issue number is ok to be included, but the fix still needs to be described, because in the future we may have to relocate the repository (e.g., if github goes premium only -- over the 20 years we have been on berlios, sourceforge, self hosting and now github) and then this issue number is no longer relevant.
Also, when looking at the git log, having just a issue reference number when generating release change log file, or decide on backporting, ...
OK, I'll amend the comment.
It does not have to be very long, just like: `fixed removal of previous xavps having the same name when providing the index`, so one can figure out from the log what was it about.
Ah sorry didn't see your last comment in time. Well, I hope the message I pushed is acceptable. :)
Thanks, this time should be ok.
Merged #2605 into master.