Ambiguous was possible in params for multiple modules in one config line. For example ``` loadmodule "" modparam("presence|dialplan", "db_url", "mysql://DBUSER:DBPASSWORD@localhost/DBNAME") ``` produced error `parameter <db_url> of type <1> not found in module <presence_dialoginfo>` because of ["presence_dialoginfo" =~ /^presence|dialplan$/] => True You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* core: fix regex error for modules parameters
-- File Changes --
M modparam.c (8)
-- Patch Links --
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The size in pkg_malloc() needs to be increased, too -- from:
``` reg = pkg_malloc(len + 2 + 1); ```
``` reg = pkg_malloc(len + 4 + 1); ```
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right you are! changed
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Merged #703.
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