Change in ims_isc/checker.c and ims_isc/checker.h: add to isc_match two new flags include_register_request and include_register_response in addition to service_info Both info are retrieved from HSS during SAR/SAA Change in ims_isc/third_party_reg.c/.h: Add REGISTER Request or REGISTER Response or Service Info to the body of the REGISTER message that is sent to the AS, if it is requested by content of HSS (SAR/SAA) Change in ims_registrar_scscf/userdata_parser.c and ims_usrloc_scscf/usrloc.h: Parse the additional flags, when they are received from HSS and store in the subscription.
Conflicts: src/modules/ims_isc/third_party_reg.c src/modules/ims_rdn/userdata_parser.c
<!-- Kamailio Pull Request Template -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: - for detailed contributing guidelines, read: - pull requests must be done to master branch, unless they are backports of fixes from master branch to a stable branch - backports to stable branches must be done with 'git cherry-pick -x ...' - code is contributed under BSD for core and main components (tm, sl, auth, tls) - code is contributed GPLv2 or a compatible license for the other components - GPL code is contributed with OpenSSL licensing exception -->
#### Pre-Submission Checklist <!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick all the checkboxes that apply --> <!-- All points should be verified, otherwise, read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines from above--> <!-- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask on sr-dev mailing list --> - [x] Commit message has the format required by CONTRIBUTING guide - [ ] Commits are split per component (core, individual modules, libs, utils, ...) ---> apologies, we did this commit long ago, when we did not know the rules of the project main changes are in ims_isc, two small changes in ims_registrar_scscf and ims_usrloc_scscf - [x] Each component has a single commit (if not, squash them into one commit) - [x] No commits to README files for modules (changes must be done to docbook files in `doc/` subfolder, the README file is autogenerated)
#### Type Of Change - [ ] Small bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds new functionality) - [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would change existing functionality)
#### Checklist: <!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick the checkboxes that apply --> - [ ] PR should be backported to stable branches - [x] Tested changes locally based on a local branch derived from 5.1.0 - [ ] Related to issue #XXXX (replace XXXX with an open issue number)
#### Description <!-- Describe your changes in detail --> The feature is a small add-on to third party registration in S-CSCF The feature assumes two new flags in HSS database, where additional to the "Service Info XML" an "insertRegisterRequest" flag or an "insertRegisterRepsonse" flag can be set. These flags are sent with the SAR/SAA exchange to the S-CSCF, where the new feature does a prioritization: If Service Info present -> add service info to body of 3rd Party REGISTER Request else if insertRegisterRequest -> add original REGISTER request to body of 3rd Party REGISTER request else if insertRegisterResponse -> add original REGISTER response to body of 3rd Party REGISTER request else -> add no body to 3rd Party REGISTER request. Multipart Body is not supported. More info about the insertRegisterRequest and insertRegisterResponse flags can be found in applicable 3GPP standards. You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* ims_isc: add-on for third-party registration
-- File Changes --
M src/modules/ims_isc/checker.c (2) M src/modules/ims_isc/checker.h (2) M src/modules/ims_isc/third_party_reg.c (106) M src/modules/ims_isc/third_party_reg.h (18) M src/modules/ims_registrar_scscf/userdata_parser.c (35) M src/modules/ims_usrloc_scscf/usrloc.h (2)
-- Patch Links --
Hi Christoph, thank you for the pull request. Could you please create one commit for each affected module, that it can be applied individually? Have a look to our documentation:
Hi Henning, Sorry, my problem is the commit was already done originally this way. How could I split one commit "file-by-file"? Is this possible? Sorry it's the first time I have this problem, need a hint. Thx
Hi Christoph, understand.. It is also possible to merge it manually just from the patch, I will do it next week if there are no more comments to this extension.
Hi Henning Thank you. What do you need as input from our side?
Could you add also some documentation for this new flags and/or module behaviour? If there are no module parameter etc.., a paragraph in the general module docs would be fine. You can simply add it as a new commit to this branch.
@christoph-v-kapsch pushed 1 commit.
6096bae850980572530fca46b351c5d35a567f69 ims_isc: documentation update for 3rd party registration
Hi Henning, Added a commit for the doc xml of the ims_isc module. I did not yet change the README file. Should I do that or would you like to collect more changes, before changing README?
Thank you for the addition. About the README - please don't include it in the pull request. The README is auto-generated after every doc XML file update.
Closed #1923.
Thank you, the pull request was merged manually in git master.