Ser doesn't appear to be passing the Caller-id to the ata at auth or I
am doing something wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have the following entry in my freeradius users file.
test(a) Auth-Type := Digest, User-Password == "test"
Reply-Message = "Hello, test with digest", Sip-Rpid =
When I run a radclient test I get the correct info..
radclient -f digest.test auth testing
Received response ID 134, code 2, length = 57
Reply-Message = "Hello, test with digest"
Sip-Rpid = "8472222222"
This is the output from ngrep port 5060
U ->
l-ID: 2687235586@ 2 REGISTER..Contact:
222.234.113:5060;transport=udp>;expires=120..User-Agent: Cisco ATA 186
16.2 ata18x (030909a)..Authorization: Digest
U ->
SIP/2.0 200 OK..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060..From: sip;tag=277486986..To:;tag=b27e1a1d3
2687235586@ 2
ires=120..Server: Sip EXpress router (0.8.12dev-t16
Length: 0..Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells:
59 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 ou via_cnt==1"....
Yes the windows messenger (5.0) that i am using supports SIP. So now how
do i go about it. I did configure the messenger to include SIP address. I
want to check this user record on the server. How do i do that? Should i
send my ser.cfg to you just to check my settings. Please let me know if it
is feasible.
Thanks Daniel,
I want to allow any user in the SIP domain to be able to register since i
have control over that. What i cant figure out is when i log into Windows
Messenger( which right now is not supporting SIP temporarily ) with my SIP
user name shouldnt i be registered in the SIP server? How do i check this
cause i dont seem to find any record of any user. Since the registrar
modules are loaded by default i assume that the server is working as a
registrar server too. Am i wrong or am i missing some info.
Please guide.
Thanks for the support.
I am still having a problem accessing this site. Is it up yet? Can
you send me the latest tarball please?
Dovid wrote:
> Does anyone know of a working site to download rtpproxy?
> is not responding.
> (Does anyone have a copy to send me?)
Yes, I know, we are moving our server to the new location, so that it is
off-line now. It should be available later today, if not, drop me a note
I'll mail you a tarball.
I got the debug messages -- if the mail is too large, send it to
serteam(a) instead of serusers(a) -- this one has size
The INVITE is processed correctly, the Request-URI is replaced with the
contact address of the destination user (2222) and then the request is
forwarded but the client does not react.
What kind of SIP client do you use? Both clients are registered from
same IP address and port (
On 10/2/2003 11:50 AM, John Foster wrote:
> Previous mail stuck for moderator, due to larger size of mail..
> Hi All n Daniel,
> Here are network Dumps..
> Sorry for too lengthy dumps:) These include first portion of starting
> up ser -d -d -E, then both soft phone logged in, lastly there are
> traces of call initiating attempts from user 12345(a)
> <> to user 22222(a)
> <>
> Regards,
> JF
Hi All,
A new user here,
I m using 0.8.11, with default conf file shipped with package.without auth. While my softphone registers with the proxy, it gets listed in "serctl ul show", but another user while joins through same proxy with all other params same except username. The two cannt dial eachother.their addresses URIs are 12345(a) and 22222(a), while caller,callee and proxy are in same IP subnet. They gett Timeout message.
Can anyone give any idea?
Thanks in Adv.
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Thanks Daniel,
I want to allow any user in the SIP domain to be able to register
since i have control over that. What i cant figure out is when i log into
Windows Messenger( which right now is not supporting SIP temporarily ) with
my SIP user name shouldnt i be registered in the SIP server? How do i check
this cause i dont seem to find any record of any user. Since the registrar
modules are loaded by default i assume that the server is working as a
registrar server too. Am i wrong or am i missing some info.
Please guide.
Thanks for the support.
I'm trying to change the destination set of an request in a failure
route using exec_dset(). My routing looks like
route {
failure_route[1] {
unfortunately, that does not seem to work, i get the following error
from SER when a request hits the failure_route[]:
Oct 1 14:33:17 graham /usr/sbin/ser[4814]: ERROR: t_forward_nonack: no
branched for fwding
Oct 1 14:33:17 graham /usr/sbin/ser[4814]: ERROR: w_t_relay (failure
mode): forwarding failed
Simply adding a static destination by append_branch() works fine, but
that's only the solution for an announcement... I'd need something like
exec_append_branch() ...
So, is there another way to dynamically add branches? Any hints
Alexander Mayrhofer
СЕМИНАР «Упрощенная система налогообложения, учета и отчетности для
малых предприятий в 2004 году»
7 октября 2003
1. Упрощенная система налогообложения (УСН). Налоги и сборы, исчисляемые при УСН; в
каких случаях организации, перешедшие на УСН, являются налоговыми агентами по НДС,
налогу на прибыль и другим налогам; преимущества и недостатки новой упрощенной системы
налогообложения. Новое в законодательстве по УСН.
2. Переход на упрощенную систему налогообложения и отказ от нее. Порядок извещения
налоговых органов о переходе на иную систему налогообложения. Особенности исчисления
налогов при переходе с общей системы налогообложения на УСН и наоборот.
3. Организация бухгалтерского и налогового учета предприятия при переходе на УСН.
Налоговые регистры, порядок расчета налога по бюджетам и фондам, льготы при УСН.
4. Порядок признания доходов и расходов в переходный период. Учет стоимости основных
средств и сумм начисленной амортизации в переходный период.
5. Единый налог по результатам хозяйственной деятельности. Два варианта исчисления
единого налога: объекты налогообложения, налоговая база и налоговые ставки; налоговый
период, дата признания и порядок определения доходов и расходов при УСН; расходы,
учитываемые и не учитываемые при определении налоговой базы; особенности учета отдельных
видов доходов и расходов (расходов на приобретение основных средств и доходов от их
реализации; доходов и расходов, выраженных в иностранной валюте; доходов, полученных в
натуральной форме); учет убытков предыдущих периодов.
6. Учетная политика субъектов, применяющих упрощенную систему в 2004 г.
7. Отчетность организации, применяющей УСН. Порядок заполнения и сроки подачи налоговой
8. Особенности трудовых отношений с работниками в организации, применяющей УСН.
Стоимость семинара - 3900 рублей, с учетом НДС.
Наши телефоны: 789 81 90, 207 26 21
Отписка - abuse(a)
I am still having a problem accessing this site. Is it up yet? Can
you send me the latest tarball please?
Dovid wrote:
> Does anyone know of a working site to download rtpproxy?
> is not responding.
> (Does anyone have a copy to send me?)
Yes, I know, we are moving our server to the new location, so that it is
off-line now. It should be available later today, if not, drop me a note
I'll mail you a tarball.